Plant Kingdom

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand the classification and evolution of plants, focusing on major divisions: algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms, and angiosperms.
  2. Comprehend plant life cycles and alternation of generations, distinguishing between haplontic, diplontic, and haplo-diplontic patterns.
  3. Explore the economic importance and structural features of various plant groups.

The plant kingdom, also known as Kingdom Plantae, is a diverse group of living organisms that are primarily characterized by their ability to perform photosynthesis, with chlorophyll being the primary pigment used in the process. This kingdom has evolved significantly over time, and several taxonomical systems have been developed to classify plants. The early systems were based on superficial characteristics, such as habit, color, or the shape of leaves, and were later refined to incorporate natural affinities, anatomical features, and evolutionary relationships.

In the context of modern classification, plants are divided into several major groups based on various characteristics, including the presence or absence of vascular tissues, the type of reproduction, and the nature of seeds. These groups include algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms, and angiosperms. Each of these groups displays unique features, and they collectively represent the evolution of plants from simple to complex forms.


Algae are primitive plants, known for being chlorophyll-bearing, autotrophic, and thalloid in nature. They are predominantly aquatic, inhabiting both freshwater and marine environments. Algae can also be found in a variety of other habitats such as moist soils, stones, or wood, and some even form associations with other organisms like fungi (lichens) or animals (e.g., on sloth bears).

  1. Morphology: Algae exhibit great diversity in form and size. They can exist as unicellular organisms (Chlamydomonas), colonial forms (Volvox), or filamentous forms (Ulothrix, Spirogyra). Some marine algae like kelps form massive plant bodies.
  2. Reproduction: Algae reproduce through vegetative, asexual, and sexual methods. Vegetative reproduction occurs by fragmentation, while asexual reproduction involves the formation of zoospores, which are flagellated and motile. Sexual reproduction in algae can be isogamous (fusion of similar gametes), anisogamous (fusion of dissimilar gametes), or oogamous (fusion of a large, non-motile female gamete with a small, motile male gamete).
  3. Economic Importance: Algae play a vital role in global carbon dioxide fixation and are primary producers in aquatic ecosystems. They contribute to the production of oxygen and form the base of food chains in these environments. Additionally, certain species like Porphyra, Laminaria, and Sargassum are used as food. Algae also produce commercial products such as agar, carrageen, and algin, which are used in food processing and microbiological cultures.

Classes of Algae

  • Chlorophyceae (Green Algae): Characterized by their green color due to chlorophyll a and b. Examples include Chlamydomonas, Ulothrix, Spirogyra, and Chara.
  • Phaeophyceae (Brown Algae): Brown due to the presence of fucoxanthin. They vary greatly in size and form, with examples including Ectocarpus, Laminaria, and Sargassum.
  • Rhodophyceae (Red Algae): Predominantly red due to phycoerythrin. Examples include Polysiphonia, Porphyra, and Gracilaria.


Bryophytes are often referred to as the amphibians of the plant kingdom due to their dependency on water for reproduction. These non-vascular plants grow in moist, shaded areas and are an essential component of plant succession, particularly in colonizing barren land.

  1. Structure: Bryophytes exhibit a more differentiated plant body than algae, though they still lack true roots, stems, and leaves. They are usually attached to the substrate by rhizoids, and their main body is the gametophyte, which is haploid and bears the reproductive organs.
  2. Reproduction: The male reproductive organ, the antheridium, produces biflagellate antherozoids, while the female organ, the archegonium, produces a single egg. Fertilization occurs in the presence of water, and the resulting zygote develops into a multicellular sporophyte, which remains attached to the gametophyte and produces haploid spores.

Divisions of Bryophytes

  • Liverworts: Liverworts like Marchantia have a thalloid structure and reproduce asexually via gemmae, which are multicellular buds that develop in gemma cups.
  • Mosses: Mosses have a dominant gametophytic phase, consisting of a protonema stage and a leafy stage. Examples include Funaria and Sphagnum.


Pteridophytes, which include horsetails and ferns, are the first group of plants to evolve vascular tissues (xylem and phloem). They are mainly found in cool, damp, and shady places, though some species are well-adapted to dry conditions.

  1. Sporophyte Dominance: In pteridophytes, the dominant phase of the life cycle is the sporophyte, which is differentiated into true roots, stems, and leaves. Leaves can be small (microphylls) or large (macrophylls).
  2. Reproduction: Pteridophytes are mostly homosporous, meaning they produce one type of spore. However, some genera like Selaginella and Salvinia are heterosporous, producing both microspores (male) and megaspores (female). The gametophytes develop from these spores and bear the sex organs.

Important Note: The development of zygotes into embryos in heterosporous pteridophytes marks an evolutionary precursor to the seed habit, a significant step in the evolution of plants.

Classes of Pteridophytes

  • Psilopsida: Example – Psilotum
  • Lycopsida: Example – Selaginella, Lycopodium
  • Sphenopsida: Example – Equisetum
  • Pteropsida: Example – Dryopteris, Pteris


Gymnosperms are seed-producing plants where the ovules are not enclosed by an ovary wall. As a result, the seeds are exposed, a characteristic from which the name gymnosperm (meaning “naked seeds”) is derived. Gymnosperms range from medium-sized shrubs to towering trees like the giant redwood Sequoia.

  1. Structure: Gymnosperms have tap roots, and some, like Pinus, form symbiotic associations with fungi (mycorrhiza), while others, like Cycas, associate with nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. The leaves are adapted to extreme conditions, with features like needle-like leaves, a thick cuticle, and sunken stomata.
  2. Reproduction: Gymnosperms are heterosporous, producing both microspores (male) and megaspores (female). Male and female reproductive structures are found in strobili (cones). Fertilization occurs through a pollen tube, which delivers the male gametes to the archegonia in the ovule. After fertilization, the zygote develops into an embryo, and the ovules form naked seeds.


Angiosperms, or flowering plants, are the most diverse group in the plant kingdom, characterized by the presence of flowers and fruits. Unlike gymnosperms, in angiosperms, the seeds are enclosed within fruits.

  1. Structure: Angiosperms are divided into dicotyledons and monocotyledons. Dicots have two cotyledons, reticulate venation in leaves, and flowers with tetramerous or pentamerous floral whorls, while monocots have a single cotyledon, parallel venation, and trimerous flowers.
  2. Reproduction: Angiosperms undergo double fertilization, a unique process where one sperm fertilizes the egg, forming the zygote, while another sperm fuses with the secondary nucleus to form the triploid endosperm, which provides nourishment to the developing embryo.

Important Note: Double fertilization is a hallmark of angiosperms and is key to

their reproductive success and evolutionary dominance.


In plants, life cycles exhibit an alternation of generations between a haploid gametophyte and a diploid sporophyte. This alternation varies between different groups of plants.

  1. Haplontic Life Cycle: In this cycle, the gametophyte is the dominant phase, and the sporophytic generation is limited to the zygote. Meiosis in the zygote produces haploid spores, which develop into the gametophyte. Examples include Volvox and Spirogyra.
  2. Diplontic Life Cycle: Here, the sporophyte is the dominant phase, and the gametophyte is reduced to a few cells. This pattern is seen in Fucus, as well as in gymnosperms and angiosperms.
  3. Haplo-diplontic Life Cycle: Both the gametophyte and sporophyte phases are multicellular, though the dominant phase differs between groups. Bryophytes have a dominant gametophyte with a dependent sporophyte, while in pteridophytes, the sporophyte is dominant.

Table Comparing Plant Life Cycles:

Plant TypeDominant GenerationGametophyte DependencyExample
BryophytesGametophyteDependent SporophyteFunaria
GymnospermsSporophyteReduced GametophytePinus
AngiospermsSporophyteReduced GametophyteEucalyptus

Which plant group shows double fertilization?

  • A) Gymnosperms
  • B) Bryophytes
  • C) Angiosperms
  • D) Pteridophytes
    Answer: C) Angiosperms

The plant kingdom represents the vast evolutionary history of plants, showcasing a wide range of adaptations, reproductive strategies, and life cycle patterns, each contributing to their success across different habitats.

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