Transport in Plants

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand the mechanisms of transport in plants, including diffusion, osmosis, and facilitated diffusion.
  2. Learn the concepts of active transport, plasmolysis, and imbibition.
  3. Explore the role of xylem and phloem in long-distance transport.
  4. Investigate the impact of transpiration on plant water movement.
  5. Analyze the source-to-sink translocation process of nutrients in plants.

Water and nutrients must travel vast distances in plants, from roots to leaves and even back to storage organs or growing regions. This journey involves several processes, including diffusion, osmosis, active transport, and bulk flow through vascular tissues like the xylem and phloem. Understanding these processes is essential to comprehending how plants function.

Means of Transport

Plants rely on different methods of transport for various substances. These methods depend on the distance and the substance being moved.


Diffusion is the passive movement of molecules from areas of higher concentration to lower concentration. This process is critical for the movement of gases and liquids in plant tissues:

  1. Random motion of molecules drives diffusion.
  2. No energy is required for this process.
  3. The rate of diffusion is influenced by temperature, pressure, and the concentration gradient.

Facilitated Diffusion

Facilitated diffusion occurs when membrane proteins assist in the movement of molecules across the cell membrane:

  1. Membrane proteins provide passage for substances that are not lipid-soluble.
  2. This process depends on the concentration gradient, requiring no ATP.
  3. The process is specific to certain molecules and can become saturated when all transport proteins are in use.

Important Note: Aquaporins, or water channels, are a type of membrane protein crucial for facilitating water movement in and out of plant cells.

Active Transport

Unlike passive processes, active transport requires energy (in the form of ATP) to move molecules against a concentration gradient:

  1. Protein pumps in the membrane are responsible for active transport.
  2. These pumps are highly selective and transport molecules from low to high concentration.
  3. Active transport is critical for the uptake of mineral ions and other nutrients from the soil.

Important Note: Active transport in plant cells is often inhibited by chemicals that react with protein side chains, making it a selective and energy-dependent process.

Plant-Water Relations

Water is indispensable to plant life, playing a role in both metabolic processes and structural integrity. Water potential drives water movement through various plant tissues.

Water Potential

Water potential (Ψw) describes the potential energy of water molecules:

  1. Pure water has a water potential of zero.
  2. Solute potential (Ψs) and pressure potential (Ψp) influence Ψw.
  3. Water moves from areas of higher water potential to areas of lower water potential.

Important Note: Osmosis is the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane. This process is crucial for maintaining cell turgor pressure and nutrient absorption.


Osmosis occurs when water moves across a semi-permeable membrane from a region of high water potential to a region of lower water potential:

  1. The process is driven by pressure gradients and solute concentration gradients.
  2. Plasmolysis happens when cells lose water in hypertonic solutions, causing the cell membrane to shrink away from the cell wall.
PlasmolysisLoss of water from cells in hypertonic solutions.
TurgidityCells gain water in hypotonic solutions, increasing internal pressure.
FlaccidityCells in isotonic solutions where no net water movement occurs.


Imbibition refers to the absorption of water by solid particles, causing them to swell:

  1. Seeds and dry wood absorb water through imbibition.
  2. This process generates considerable pressure, aiding in the germination of seeds.

Long-Distance Transport of Water

The movement of water and nutrients over long distances in plants involves bulk flow through the xylem.

Absorption of Water

Water absorption begins in the root hairs, which are extensions of root epidermal cells:

  1. Water enters root hairs by diffusion.
  2. Two pathways exist for water movement through the root: the apoplast and symplast pathways.

Comparison of Water Movement Pathways:

ApoplastWater moves through cell walls and intercellular spaces without crossing membranes.
SymplastWater moves through the cytoplasm of cells, crossing membranes via plasmodesmata.

Root Pressure

Root pressure is the positive pressure generated in the xylem by the active transport of ions into the root cells:

  1. This pressure pushes water up the stem but can only lift water to limited heights.
  2. Root pressure contributes to phenomena such as guttation, where water droplets form at the tips of leaves during the night.

Transpiration Pull

Transpiration drives the bulk of water transport in plants:

  1. As water evaporates from the stomata in leaves, it creates a negative pressure that pulls water upwards through the xylem.
  2. The cohesion-tension theory explains how water molecules stick together (cohesion) and are pulled upwards through the plant.

Concept Note: The process of transpiration cools the plant and facilitates nutrient transport but also results in significant water loss.


Transpiration is the evaporative loss of water through stomata in the leaves:

  1. Stomatal opening is regulated by guard cells, which change shape based on turgor pressure.
  2. Transpiration is influenced by external factors such as light, temperature, and humidity.
  3. Plants must balance the need for carbon dioxide intake for photosynthesis with the risk of water loss through transpiration.
FactorEffect on Transpiration
TemperatureIncreases the rate of evaporation and transpiration.
LightOpens stomata, increasing transpiration rates.
HumidityReduces transpiration as the air is already saturated with water.

Concept Note: Transpiration also maintains the turgor pressure required for maintaining the plant’s structure and aids in cooling the plant’s surfaces.

Uptake and Transport of Mineral Nutrients

Plants absorb mineral ions from the soil primarily through the root system. This process is both passive and active.

Active Absorption of Ions

Mineral ions are absorbed by the roots through active transport:

  1. Root hair cells pump ions into the cytoplasm, even when ion concentrations are lower in the soil than in the plant.
  2. Active transport creates a water potential gradient, facilitating water uptake through osmosis.

Translocation of Nutrients

Mineral ions absorbed by the roots are transported to various parts of the plant through the xylem:

  1. Nutrients are delivered to growing tissues and storage organs.
  2. Remobilization of nutrients from older leaves ensures that young tissues receive essential elements.

Phloem Transport: Source to Sink

The phloem transports organic compounds, mainly sucrose, from the source (where sugars are synthesized) to the sink (where sugars are needed):

  1. This process is driven by pressure flow or the mass flow hypothesis, where sugars are actively transported into phloem sieve tubes.
  2. Water enters the phloem from adjacent xylem vessels, increasing osmotic pressure and driving the flow of sap towards the sink.

Pressure Flow Hypothesis

The pressure flow hypothesis explains the movement of sugars in the phloem:

  1. Sucrose is actively loaded into the phloem at the source, creating a hypertonic environment.
  2. Water flows from the xylem into the phloem, creating turgor pressure.
  3. At the sink, sucrose is actively unloaded, lowering osmotic pressure and allowing water to return to the xylem.

MCQ: What is the primary driving force behind water movement in plants?

Answer: Transpiration pull

Plants utilize various transport mechanisms to move water, nutrients, and sugars efficiently. These processes are crucial for the plant’s survival, growth, and reproduction, illustrating the complex yet beautifully coordinated transport systems in plants.

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